Legends of the Treacle Mines
Welcome to the next Blog! I love exploring local lore - and wow doesn't Pudsey have some crackers. It's not enough to be located in the Rhubarb Triangle for us Pudseyites, we also hold a rich heritage of myth and superstition. Today we are delving deep into the Legends of Treacle Mining , so hand your check to the lamp man and follow me down the mine... Origins It may surprise many to learn that Pudsey has a long and illustrious mining heritage. Sadly this part of our history has become forgotten along with the Pudsey v All England Cricket matches, the Knurr and Spell Championships and where the Park Roller really came from. Along with the very visible industries we had above ground (dominated by the Victorian Mills), the good people of Pudsey have also laboured long and deep underneath the Town in dark labyrinths that criss cross out under the valley. Our mining industry traces its roots into the bowels of the earth, and the many useful things that can be found there such...